Sunday, 23 October 2011

You Can't Judge a Runner

Meditations on today's run.

You can't judge a runner because you don't know
if she's running to generate energy or to burn it off
if this is her first run ever or her last run this season
if this is her first warm-up kilometer or the last minute of her cool-down
if she's running from depression and perfectionism or running for peace and acceptance.

You can't judge a runner because you don't know 
if she's running to get fitter or running to get faster
if she's swallowed her pride or swallowed a bug
if she's running through a stitch, a cramp, a sprain, a strain, an injury or an illness
if she's running just to see tomorrow or hopes to see her grandchildren some day.

You can't judge a runner because you don't know 
if she's running to meditate or running a race
if this is her best day or her worst
if she's running to live longer or running to live better
if she's running a tempo run, a long run or just plain running.

You can't judge a runner because you don't know 
if she's already left it all on the road or if she just doesn't have it in her today
if her run is a cerebral experience or a physical trial
if she's running to clear her mind or because she cleaned her plate
if she's running for health or for happiness.

You can't judge a runner because you don't know 
if she's been running since 1990 or since yesterday
if she's running from something or to something
if she's running to beat the rain or because she enjoys the rain
if she's running to get healthy or running to stay healthy.

You can't judge a runner because you don't know 
if she's shedding body weight or the weight of the world
if she's grieving a loss or celebrating a gain
if she feels alone or if she feels empowered
if she's loving every stride or hating every second.

And you can't judge a runner because you don't know 
if her run's about the destination or about the journey.

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